The children at the Lenches Pre-school eventually move on to many of the local schools in the area however we are proud that our Pre-School has strong links with and naturally feeds into Church Lench CE First School, a small, welcoming, inclusive and nurturing village First School, situated opposite the Pre-School.
We work hard to prepare children for the transition to School, not only educationally and practically by following the Early Years Foundation Stage, but also emotionally, including through regular visits to and joint events, activities and fundraisers with Church Lench School.
Last Summer term, we held a successful joint forest school session in Yates’ Community Orchard and this Autumn term, the children attended an African drumming demonstration at the School which was great fun!
We stay in regular contact with Mrs Price, the Head teacher and other staff at the School, in particular during the run up to children transitioning to school to ensure they are as ready as possible for the next stage of their education. The School provides us with helpful feedback once the children start School, which helps us to continue to improve our transition programme.
By the time our children start School, they are very familiar and comfortable in the setting, its classrooms, staff and future classmates which is hugely reassuring for children and parents. It is wonderful to see many of the children confidently transition to School life on their first day!
It is always sad to say goodbye to our children when they move on to School but we know that they are in safe and caring hands when they go to Church Lench CE First School!
Registered Charity No. 1043885
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